How wrinkles works how Botox works
How wrinkles works how Botox works
When you are done emoting may disappear but the static stays around. There are things that can contribute faster wrinkling of the skin, If we loose around the collagen the stretchy stuff, the elastin think of an elastic band, that is essentially what elastin does. in your skin. And if we go in the sun, if we smoke, if we have damaged our skin a lot it don’t wear enough sunscreen that collagen and elastin breaks down faster meaning those static wrinkles can show they quicker and they can be a bit more the deep set. But all wrinkles come from movement. Our face have lons of tiny muscles so that we emote and this is part of can we how we connect and communicate with others.
Botox is literally a toxin. Its botulinum toxin, one of the most Toxic substances that can cause death and paralysis. Its a bacteria. that is found in plants even in intestinal tracts of some mammals and fish And it causes respiratory d distress. Basically, you can’t breathe anymore. entire body including It paralyzes your your ability to breathe. Botox Injecting Botox destroys the protein that carries the neuron to the muscle. Because botox stops the muscle working by face. If you don’t use botox prevents staffing stiffing your face. If you don’t use muscle which actually botox prevent so for a long run. musele you loose your muscles permanently .Botox actually cant reverse anything but this preventation can actually ruin your muscles and health.